
This is our group's holographic training center. Here you will train in obbys, sword fighting, stealth, and many other assassin skills. (If broken, revert to version 46).

Commands: "close/sim" ..Closes door "open/sim" .. dont be a dumb head "run/obby1" .. Um runs obby "run/obby2" .. runs an obby "run/obby3" .. runs an obby.. how much times do I have to see dis "run/obby1000" jk this one is fake "run/ctf" .. whoever gets the flag wins game.. TO BEGIN THE FLAG GAME say "begin!" "run/disc" ..dont ask me what this is... "run/reflex" game u will get it once u start "run/noSim" ..removes the stuff "run/stack" ..Teamwork gets the job done. "run/koth".. king of the hill "run/teamkoth".. team king of the kill


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