
(Paid access by accident, people bought, so stays paid access)

Here I'm just testing and working on some projects:

- [ESAG] EinsteinK's Small Admin Gui
--> The console that pops up, including serverlog when not creator

- [Admila] Admin Language
(Use ESAG' server output to see results of this)
--> Commands starting with '/' as in examples below:
"Please respawn and teleport everyone except me to me"
"Game, you're dumb, wait 2 seconds and kill others"

- [RaidSystem] A raidsystem, as asked by ValorHonor
--> Terminals (black boxes) can be healed by Defenders
--> Can be damaged by Raiders or gunfire
--> When Gate1 is dead, Gate2 can be damaged
--> Same for Gate2 to Gate3
--> When all gates are dead, bomb is unlocked
--> Raider next to bomb = Time goes down
--> Time zero ==> Raiders won


There are currently no running experiences.