
In Disaster Royale your goal is to be the last person surviving on a plot of land that just so happens to be prone to bad luck. Up to 50 players will be thrown onto this plot of land, consisting of a few poorly-built structures, and the last one surviving will receive some credits for their suffering.

After each wave of Disasters that you survive you will be granted some experience points which go towards your tiers. Getting a higher tier will allow you to unlock cooler outfits in the shop, however there are also outfits that you have to buy with credits, which can only be earned by winning an entire game!

You will see a glowing yellow mystery box on the ground at the end of every disaster. The first person to grab it will get a gear to help them survive the disasters to come!

If you find any bugs/glitches tweet me @SamRBLX with the hashtag #DisasterRoyale and I'll get it fixed ASAP! Remember though, this game is in Beta, so there will be tons of bugs and balancing to be fixed


There are currently no running experiences.