
Newly-made game, still in earlier stages of development, expect bugs and other errors. Feel free to leave us feedback or bug reports as we'd greatly appreciate it!

All codes can be found in the Communications Server linked below.

Weapons Added!
New Quests Added!
2 New Quirks Added! (Explosion + Blackhole)
2 New Codes added

Max Level: 130

Epic code at 10k Likes

Common: Boomerang, Engine, Electrification, Gigantification
Rare: Heal, Hardening, Acid, Blackhole
Epic: Ice, Hell Flame, Cremation, Explosion
Legendary: One For All, Half Hot Half Cold

Computer Controls:
Q to Dash
R to Block
Ctrl to Sprint
Click to Punch

Console Controls:
DPad Up to Sprint
DPad Down to Enable Mouse Lock
L3 to Dash
R2 to Punch


There are currently no running experiences.