
🔨this game is currently in a testing stage and development, so expect bugs smh🔨
this game is to be silly and heavily inspired by mr_wiggles's prtty much evry bordr gam evr

🍔🍟 join costomers and satisfy ur hunger 🍟🍔
👨‍🍳 join cookuh to make food and stabilize the ingwedients 👩‍🍳
💰 join casher to take ordor of hangry costomer 💰
🧹 join cleaner person to clean mess around cafe 🧹
👮 join securty and beat bad behaving costomers 👮
⚔️😡 join the opposing side and raid the cafe for food 😡⚔️

press 'C' or 'LeftCtrl' to crouch on desktop
press 'R' or 'LeftShift' to run on desktop
press enable mobile interface on your stat gui when in game to pull up mobile-user friendly controls

keep updated with development logs and such

join the roblox group here!/about


There are currently no running experiences.