
This game will receive a revamp in the future by the Vulpine Digital team.

The game is open as of now and will no longer be profited off of due to being discontinued.  The game is open for your enjoyment in the mean time

How to play:
Wait for the round to begin.  A voting sequence will occur and you get to choose a map to play on.  There are 2 teams, Radispooks and the Possessed.  If you are chosen as a Radispook, you must work together with your team to take down the possessed and ensure that you win.  If you were Chosen as the possessed, use your scythe to cut down the Radispooks.  You can purchase abilities for your Possessed in the shop if you have enough coins and the required level.

The funny Ghost game brought to you by Obren and Repto


There are currently no running experiences.