
🎉 Simply Smashing is a game about recklessly swinging blunt objects around. If nearby players happen to occupy the same space as those blunt objects, well, that is their problem.

A variety of game modes are available for you to use your blunt objects to achieve various goals. Those who are highly successful at this can spend their winnings on even nicer blunt objects, such as frying pans and rocket-propelled sledgehammers.

If there are any bugs, please let us know. We will do our best to provide a very fun, bug free environment

Controls: Pressing [E] or [F] opens inventory (PC)

😎 Added trails that attach to players you hit
🏔️ Added 1 new CTF map and 2 new KOTH maps
🏋️ Added 4 new weapons
👏 Equipped tool/trail saving between sessions
🛠️Fixed weapon bugs after rapid clicking
✅ Edited existing maps a bit to improve gameplay


There are currently no running experiences.