
Located in the middle of the ocean, this Stronghold of Islands connected by bridges serve as a foothold in the war against hostile forces. 
Base information: 
- Hold the terminal to [900/1200] seconds to win [rollback/reset] 
- Pre-flooding is NOT allowed. 
- 15 SF members for an official raid 
- DM a Paragon+ to schedule 

- No spawn-killing (being inside SF/hostiles spawn may get you kicked). 
- No uniform raiding. 
- No personal attacks/extreme flaming/toxicity. 
- Absolutely NO exploiting. If caught, you will be permanently banned from raiding any of our bases. If multiple members of a clan exploit, SF reserves the right to ban that group from raiding. 
- Allies are allowed. 

# can be 900 or 1200 
!rb1 # !rb2 # 
!reset # 

outfrag, huuds, Enflare


There are currently no running experiences.