
Hello welcome to BT Industries' launch site. We help transition Robloxians into Probloxians.

Thumbnail and Logo Made by ahmet123 

How to operate rocket: 

1. Enter elevator and press button. 

2. Once at the top walk straight into the rocket.

3. Wait for the countdown to finish. 

4. Flip the switch to activate the launch. 

5. Click the buttons in a clockwise direction to separate in order. 

6. Turn off the light switch to turn off the engines and crash land. 

7. All players must leave the server and start a new one to play the game again. There is no regeneration script. This is to allow players to fly on the rocket to forever if they want without trolls despawning it or time running out if the script were to be automated. 


4 seats are available on the rocket, but only one player per server is recommended for the best experience because game synchronization causes a momentary lag during the last separation stage blowing up the crew cabin.


There are currently no running experiences.