
Current Server Version: 0.5.4, BETA. HOW TO MAKE A RPG: Next update: Sometime soon, When I have the time. I might add MEGA VIP: For 50 R$, and 500 TIX. [Yes, I know 500TIX=30R$.]. GUIDE: ########################################################## (LONG) FULL CHANGE LOG: ########################################################## STORY?: ########################################################## NOTE: Finally got the new computer! It's epic, Now I'll be updatin' more, sorry for the late updates, I was busy. -RobloxWarrior89! BETA-0.5.4 UPDATE: -Fixed minor storyline plot issues. -Emphasized the storyline a bit. -Made sword pieces help guide you a bit better. PLAYER OF THE WEEK: Jaypro123. [12/23/2013 - 12/30/2013]


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