
  • Outdig

    I apologize to all the fans of this game for the lack of updates, but I promise I'm working on other great new games. Based on Stickmasterlukes "The Underground War"

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  • Christmas Chaos

    Christmas Chaos is a game developed by Demjot, and ArceusInator! around christmas time 2013 Original game: http://www.roblox.com/Brrr-2013-place?id=135523275

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  • Afterlife Original

    This was being made for the 2014 Halloween GDC, It was never fully completed, and I'm not even sure if it works, but it's here. A Ghost is tying to possess and kill everyone, can you survive long enough to find all the artifacts and stop the ghosts rein on terror? This game has been Development Hell. This game was developed by Bobogijoe, and Demjot, the founding members of Gnomeworks! Join Gnomeworks for exclusive news and prizes! http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=1158734 A special thanks to; Bobogijoe, InsertScreenName, Spooce, and Omaraa

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Demjot has no creations.