
  • Majora's Mask | 1.7.5

    The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask 1.7.5. is a roblox recreation of the N64/3DS video game Majora's Mask. It was officially started on August 14th, and has been in development for four years. ______ "sonicfan1325454" is a tester for this game. Private message me glitches or suggestions, or just leave them in the comments. If you're a tester, send me a bug or a problem that needs a resolve. ______ Moon by: DJKK. That's the only free model, I think.

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  • Clock Town | 1.7.5

    Note: This place will run slowly on lower-end/older computers, due to how many lighting fixtures I've laid down and all the effects. ______ Roses by: LibertyGuy1. Rupees by: TimeCruiser. Chest by: Raymondmcfar.

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