
  • Jalki's Shopping Mall *REOPENED*

    A shopping plaza currently showcasing the wondrous works of Jalki. Walk around and see clothes, while trying them on or spending cash on new designer wear. Don't forget to like and favourite! Jalki: https://www.roblox.com/users/4426510/profile Want to see any of her other clothes here? Just PM me with a link! BUX FIXES: - GUI now successfully closes. Currently working on: - Getting lots more clothes in (replace clothes that aren't on sale) - Dynamic lighting working for LOTF - Replacing all character models with the new Data Load systems - Adding decor to the store, and a spice of colour Completed: - If player has purchased game pass while in game, update the fact that the player owns the pass ✔ - Check if the "GamePass" check needs to be in all ChangeClothes scripts (hint, it doesn't) ✔ - Allowing GUI to close on mobile devices ✔ Feedback greatly appreciated.

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  • LUA: Learning

    gj chris ur good

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