
  • East Milestone

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  • [PRISD] Park Side Intermediate (TRIAL & ERROR)

    Work has been done to the facility to make it functional again. Please do try to access this facility and if unable, please contact me and advise of your encounters. Current Status: 37% -Fire Alarms from EST/Edwards Signaling have been installed -Most of the Facility lighting has been established -Roofing has not been completed -The gym is being worked on - Office spaces and classrooms must be allocated. -Girls locker room must be furnished and allocated -Desks & Chairs are in the process of being sent to the school. -Staff are needed. - Modern doors and equipment will be brought into the school shortly ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to Park Side Intermediate, a part of Pine Ridge ISD. For now this school will be serving 5th and 6th grade but can possibly become a high school. We are currently hiring for multiple positions. Check our group for more info.

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    Currently in the process of retrofitting the facility for occupancy due to the Roblox Terrain update. Please be patient as the construction is getting closer and closer to being complete.

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  • New Haven

    This town will soon be part of The Creative People. Join the group to access. http://www.roblox.com/My/Groups.aspx?gid=71060 . Until the city/town is built up, I have chosen to allow public in. Welcome to New Haven. Rules: http://www.roblox.com/Forum/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=78385961#121732498 .The basic speed limit for normal vehicles are 25. Must be trusted for tools. No C4, or any explosives. Bans will be given if offended. Please also visit our major city, New Bricksville.

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