
  • District 7, Panem

    This beautiful district is lush with trees, from which these citizens supply our lumber and paper. The people of District 7 are hardworking and down-to-earth hunger games panem district 7 district 12 ballad of songbirds and snakes

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  • Clyvedon Castle, Bridgerton (Castle Howard)

    The Duke and Duchess's estate from Bridgerton, filmed at Castle Howard. bridgerton netflix castle howard palace regency baroque

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  • Peverell Manor, West Country

    The ancestral home of the Peverell family, later passed down to the Fawley family through Ignotus Peverell's descendants. A small Tudor manor sits within the forest of the moors of Devon, rather close to the plains where the Lovegood's reside. The land is eerie and the forests feel empty, the house lays barren and yet the fireplaces remain lit. . As for the third brother, Death searched for many years but was never able to find him only when he attained a great age did the youngest brother shed the Cloak of Invisibility and give it to his son. He then he greeted Death as an old friend and went with him gladly, departing this life as equals.

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  • Camp Jupiter 20%

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  • Erudite Headquarters

    Erudite was formed by those who blamed human ignorance for the faults of society. They formed Erudite as a way of eliminating ignorance and darkness from human minds.

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  • Beauxbatons Academy of Magic

    Beauxbatons Academy of Magic is the French wizarding school, located in the Pyrenees mountains of southern France.

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