
  • King of the Crater (Work in Progress)

    Work in progress again. Whoever feels like coming in to see how I'm doing, please do. The place will lag a lot in the beginning because mass physics are occuring. Besides, lag is something that only the admins can fix. Don't come in unless you can chat. Otherwise, you can spawnkill in the lobby and get kicked. This place uses a voice command to choose which team you want to be on. The system is easy to use, and removes half of the potential rule violators. If someone does break the rules, there is a kick script, which allows you to say "kick playername" to kick the player. If he or she comes back, please PM me. RULES: No spawnkilling (Waiting next to the spawn) If someone spawns while you're running upstairs to get the flag, you have no choice but to defend yourself. Friendly fire will not be tolerated.

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