
  • Dairy Queen!

    my version of dairy queen because my 2nd sister used to work there.

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  • Hide & Seek (XL Maps)

    My awesome hide and seek game! If you want to make a map just put everything in a model, and put all the models in a model named like this: MAPNAME - By YOUR USERNAME, and then you need to put it in catolog, then post the link for your map on the comments. DO NOT POST ANYTHING INAPPROPRIATE ON THE COMMENTS, ONLY A RATING, REVIEW, OR A MAP LINK, THE COMMENTS ARE ALSO NOT A CHAT PLACE, USE THE CHAT OPTION IN THE ROBLOX WEBSITE TO CHAT WITH FRIENDS

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  • Destroy The Giant Noob! (READ DESC)

    Destroy the Noob! If you want vip i will put up the link.

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piplb has no creations.