
  • Home

    The new place I'll be. A new beginning. Maybe it'll be full of mystery. The Surface Sea is now open to explore. Something awaits below. The Hotel is under construction. Not close to done, but free to explore.

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  • Σιγμα

    Place information: This place is free to be explored by anyone. Codes are changed and re-scattered. Not all codes are for doors. Code to entrance door: 699251 Information moved elsewhere. Things are changing.

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  • Map Building Place

    Explanation will be found in-game. Basically I build maps here for people to see. (Will be open once more are done)

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  • Information

    Contacts-- Major Social Branches: 5 Minor Social Branches: 6 Planned Social Branches: 1 Discord: Winter_Wanderer [RA66] (Yes, I finally decided to make an account, but I rarely use it) Steam: Tungsten74 [Sigma] Email: (#2 is shared) If and when I find a uncopylocked place, I mainly just like to look around and look for new ideas. I will always give credit when credit is due.

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  • The Islands of Premind

    You heard of a group of islands called Premind 30 miles off the coast of South America, you decide to go there. On your way there, a hurricane hit your plane and everyone has died except for you, or so you thought. The plane has disappeared. You feel like your being watched every step you make, everyone that is native to the island is frozen as if under a spell. Find your way off the island before its too late. *in development*

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  • SCP-2636 (. . .)

    Is dead but...memories come to haunt us once in a while. In this case, it will always be there no matter where you are. Some things...do not stay gone forever. It hides. It follows. It creeps. It runs. ... It kills. What was this place really? It seemed to have been an "Ever-Growing Hallway" that manifested itself in several parts of the globe, but it doesn't seem to have been much of a threat. "You lie, doctor. They were here long ago, but it didn't seem worth it..." Note: Not much was updated at all. Doors are now gone; no restrictions! Not sure why I brought it back (sort of) but here it is. Some things may be added here and there. Also, guns are found in the ServerStorage, so you need someone that has admin to get it for you.

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  • Dark Time V2

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  • "Bottomless" Pit

    Simple concept. Fall down. No other real point to this place. Not much to it and, unlike all those other places that claim a certain depth and exaggerate, the exact depth will be listed in-game. This will increase from time to time. Notice: You may or may not die when you hit the bottom. And remember, this pit isn't bottomless. You can only fall so fast here and gravity is lowered. Warning: Flashing lights as you fall.

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  • Islands of Premind

    Due to 'technical issues', and by that I mean the censor system getting in the way, I cannot really post my description.

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  • Limbo: The Maze

    Important Note: I kind of stopped working on this and I'm working on other stuff, including the Anomalous Maze. I may or may not add other stuff here in the future. Loneliness is like a maze, confusing and empty. You never know where you are, or what you're actually doing. All you know is that you're lost and no one is there to help you. All you can do is wait for someone to help you but, that is not always likely. You feel a presence yet you see no one...until it is too late. There are hints around here and there to as who you are. "CoMe PlAy WiTh Us. We MeAn YoU nO hArM" -Unknown

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Morpheus_Gray has no creations.