
  • Frozen Heaven

    What was once a lush and beautiful forest, now the frozen remnants of a battlefield.

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  • DBH 6011

    Hey! This looks awfully like one of those conference rooms! Ain't that wacky?!

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  • Are you okay, Annie?

    June 25, 2009. The day that Michael Jackson died. Funnily enough, it was on ROBLOX where I learned that the King of Pop had died. Mindlessly playing in Person299's minigames, I was suddenly bombarded by a flood of messages in the game chat. They all carried more or less the same words: "MICHAEL JACKSON IS DEAD" It has been 6 years since that dark day. Fans around the world continue to long for his return to this world, blessing us with his music and performances as he tirelessly did before his death. Yet, I think fans can all agree that at the very least, we can be grateful that the magnificent works of Jackson remain with us, and as we listen to those works, we hear and feel his soul giving it his all. This is my tribute to the late King of Pop. May you rest in peace.

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  • 忍者の 敵

    The birds have appeared Predators hate them But they are to stay

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