
The new UMV update is here! Drop in at the POLUT Corp Underwater Mining Lab on Route 8 to start short quest to unlock new things to find in Lagoona Lake. Additionally, new minigames are available at the Atlanthian Arcade as well as the ability to buy UMV batteries from the arcade shop. This is a permanent update. 

Atlanthian Part 2 is now live! Continue the adventure through where you left off in Atlanthian and make your way down to Aranatta Trench where you will uncover some new Loomians and secrets. 

Loomian Legacy is an in-development MMO Adventure RPG that tells a story. 🗺️ Explore ✨ Collect 💥 Battle 🎁 Trade 🎉 Loomian Legacy is under constant development. 

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