
Due to Reaven's past nuclear adventures at Outpost Gunnshun, the APN High Command decided that the best thing to do was to find a new location to set up at. Port Valkrav is the result. Port Valkrav is located on the secluded island Casnion on the Alversian planet. It is the main source of Alversia's crude oil and ores, alongside being APN's main communication outpost, which makes it a high priority target for hostile forces. It is under the protection of the full force of the Alversian Peoples' Navy.

*To raid, message an APN Captain or up 10 minutes before raiding. Your PM must be replied to before you enter.

Credit to Constantinopolitan, The_Harbinger, Dystereus, Vexarch,  and TechnoUser of the Sycue Corporation and TechnoCorps.


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