
Join The Lucarian Imperium for Free VIP!
Yes! I have finally added a succesful kick script to the game! If there is an abusive player, just say kick/[PlayerName] And they will be kicked with enough votes!!!
About the place: This is a place to enjoy building with your firends! All you need to do is build your Dream Store and fill it with any of your favorite foods, electronics, and more! Make a little money by cutting down trees, then, go buy your other friends items!
Hire your workers to sell your items! Then work for them!
Rules: Do NOT Copy, Delete, Or grab any others things. Do not even add to there items if they do not wish for you too.
Regens: field2 - regenerates the teleport to field 2. trees - regenerates the teleport to the trees. build - regenerates all 


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